

The auditorium seats 540 if the orchestra pit is not utilised. The pit size is adjustable and either one or two rows of seats are removed to cater for the

orchestra pit, reducing the capacity to either 520 or 498 seats. There is provision for two wheelchairs in the auditorium. There are 16 rows of seats (without the pit).

The distance from curtain to back row is 19.90m


The Theatre stage consists of the main stage, rear stage and a left hand side stage.

The Proscenium opening is 13.25m and the main stage is 13.6m deep. There is a double revolve built-in to the main stage.

The rear stage has a wagon which corresponds in size to the main stage and can be trucked in electro-mechanically as required.

Orchestra Pit

The basic orchestra pit consists of three lifts which can operate separately or as a combined unit. When lowered the pit can accommodate up to 23 musicians.

The lifts can be set at three standard levels namely, orchestra pit level, auditorium floor level and stage level to form an apron or thrust stage.

The pit can be expanded to hold up to 45 musicians by decreasing the size of the auditorium in removing an additional row of seats.

The basic pit when lowered can accommodate up to 20 musicians (reduces theatre seating to 530). It has three individual lifts. The lifts can be set at four

standard levels namely: Understage, orchestra pit level, auditorium floor level and stage level to form an apron or thrust stage.


The stage tower has 37 electrically driven décor battens including 2 Cyclorama and 3 portal battens.

There are four lighting bars installed at intervals over the depth of the stage.

Stage machinery is controlled from a panel on the first fly gallery.

Stage managers control desk in a portal tower on stage left.

Electrically operated house curtains.

Lighting rig is operated from a control room at the back of auditorium using a Compulite Ovation control desk, Meyer sound system with a Midas Legend control desk operated from a sound booth at the rear of the auditorium.